Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The socio-economic development of regions depends on the state and level of development of its industries, among which dynamically developing ones play an important role. Acting as development poles, such industries are able to spread the growth effect throughout the region by concentrating production in growth points. The purpose of the study is to deepen the theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of growth points in the region’s agro-industrial complex in the context of ensuring its sustainable development. The work used such research methods as statistical and system analysis, generalization and synthesis, monographic, abstract-logical. Scientific novelty. Research to identify and analyze trends in the development of Crimean agriculture has received further development. The stages and methodology for identifying growth points are proposed, taking into account regional characteristics. Results. The need to identify and activate growth points in the region’s agro-industrial complex to identify priority sectors is substantiated. The role of the theory of development poles and growth points in the formation of targeted programs and strategies for the development of the region is shown. Current directions and mechanisms for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Crimea are presented, which, being a driver of innovations and cluster development, can become the basis for identifying its growth points. Measures are proposed to enhance the action of tools for the development of growth points, as well as an algorithm for their step-by-step identification. To assess the readiness of potential growth points for digital transformation within the framework of the emerging cluster formation of the agro-industrial complex of the region, a comprehensive model is proposed that reflects key business processes and their readiness for automation as the starting stage of digital transformation. The practical significance of the study lies in the analysis and systematization of parameters and indicators in accordance with the stages of identifying growth points. This systematization will allow us to develop a roadmap for identifying growth points, which will identify sources (statistical, scientific, regulatory and other) data, a complete sequence of calculations and actions, which will be presented in further research by the authors.

agro-industrial complex of the region, pole of development of the region, growth point, targets
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