Abstract. The land reform in Russia has led to the transformation of agriculture and the formation of a multi-structured agrarian economy. For more than thirty years of land reform, new institutional problems have emerged, which hinder the development of land relations and negatively affect the state of the agrarian sphere. Institutionalisation of land relations at the current stage of development implies the formation of an effective legislative field, ensuring an optimal structure of land use and equal competitive conditions for all forms of ownership and management. Accordingly, the key socio-economic task in the choice of strategy and tactics for the development of land relations in Russia is the search for methods and tools for their improvement. The purpose of the research is to study the institutional problems and determine the directions of land relations development in the agrarian economy. Methods. The research methodology was based on the analysis of fundamental and applied works of both Russian and foreign scientists-economists concerning institutional transformations in agriculture, as well as on normative-legal and legislative documents regulating land relations. The study applied a systematic approach to the subject area under consideration; dialectical, abstract-logical, graphical, empirical, economic-statistical and other methods of scientific analysis were used. Scientific novelty consists in substantiating the directions of improving the institutional aspects of land relations. Results. The current stage of land relations development in Russia has been analysed and the main institutional problems have been identified. The identified problems are caused by the unclaimed nature of a significant part of land shares, inappropriate use of agricultural land, lack of an effective mechanism for redistribution of non-functioning land, increasing land concentration in agricultural holdings. The directions for increasing the rational and efficient use of agricultural land are proposed.
institution, institutional changes, transformation, land relations, agricultural land, land reform, land use efficiency
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