Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Polevye issledovaniya po vliyaniyu razlichnyh doz proppanta na agrofizicheskie svoystva pochv, urozhaynost' i kachestvo kartofelya po-kazali, chto vnesenie keramicheskih granul (proppanta) – proizvodstva OOO «FORES» v dozah do 150 i 300t/ga obespechivaet pribavku uro-zhaya klubney na 4,5% i 7,2%. Pri vnesenii proppanta otmechaetsya tendenciya k povysheniyu krahmala v klubnyah na 0,1-0,5%.

proppant (keramicheskie granuly), pochva, granulometricheskiy sostav, plodorodie, kartofel', urozhay, kachestvo urozhaya, ekologicheskaya bez-opasnost'

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