Abstract. The purpose of this article is to study the problems of identification of state development institutions in the agricultural and industrial complex, as an element of the institutional environment, as an integral part of the system of development of the national economy through state regulation of strategic development processes in the agro-industrial complex. Methods of abstraction, analysis and synthesis were used in the course of the study. Results and practical significance. The author’s research of the state regulation of the development of the national agro-industrial complex is presented in the context of the study of state programs as a form of state development institution that ensures the effective functioning of the institutional environment. The scientific novelty of the research is presented by the author's non-standard approach to the identification of state development institutions in the agro-industrial complex, the author's vision of the structure of the institutional environment for the development of the agro-industrial complex is presented, based on traditional approaches of institutionalism, two main systems of the development of the agro-industrial complex are derived, formed by the institutional environment, which in interaction form a system of strategic regulation of the national agro-industrial complex.
state development institutions in the agricultural and industrial complex, institutional environment, state regulation of agriculture, strategic regulation, state programs, development system
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