Yakutsk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article describes the research materials on the long-term disadvantage of the reindeer herding population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). To January 1, 2017, there were only 110 reindeer farms in the republic, 185 reindeer herds are operating year-round, and 403 families of reindeer breeders are working there, that is 2225 people. In the republic, 65 veterinary specialists of with brucellosis were registered according to incomplete data. According to Rospotrebnadzor in 2009, only 600 serological tests for brucellosis of people were carried out, 15 cases of these were detected to be positive, which is 2.5 % of the contamination. As practice shows, the fight against brucellosis by means of use of only veterinary manipulations (diagnostics in BPO, isolation and slaughter of reacting deer) for a long time does not give cardinal positive results. Thus, in the Bulunsky, Tomponsky, Oleneksky uluses for a short period, the unfavorable points were rehabilitated due to the understanding of the problem by the heads of municipalities and direct participation of the heads of farms. One of the reasons for the low effectiveness of anti-epizootic measures is the dilapidation or absence of corals for veterinary measures. The presence of natural foci of brucellosis among domestic and wild deer, as well as the low effectiveness of anti-epizootic measures due to incomplete coverage of domestic reindeer, untimely slaughter of identified positive animals helps to maintain the tension of the epizootic process in the republic. To solve the problem, it is necessary to study the immunoprophylaxis of brucellosis of reindeer with the use of weakly agglutinogenic vaccines and to develop an optimal scheme of application in the conditions of Yakutia.
brucellosis, infectious process, immunity, strain, epizootic process, vaccine
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