Russian Federation
Abstract. The research is aimed at identifying and evaluating modern tools for protecting the property interests of organizations in the alcohol processing industry. Methods. The following research methods were used in the work: analysis, synthesis, systemic, structural, functional method, statistical, mathematical methods, as well as methods for definition of a concept, classification and comparative method. Results and practical significance. The author defines the concept of “institutions for the protection of property interests of producers of alcoholic products” as a set of mutually binding and limiting subjects of the agri-food market of alcoholic products norms and rules. Free disposal, effective use and interest in the preservation of property determine the purpose of the emergence and development of institutions for the protection of property interests. The acquisition of agricultural raw materials, the process of their processing and the creation of a finished product, as well as its implementation are components of the effective implementation of property interests. The structure of protection institutions is defined, which includes market participants (economic agents), formal and informal norms and rules of their interaction. Such areas of protection for the effective implementation of property interests as physical protection, economic protection and protection of information and legally protected data are highlighted. Specific measures to protect property interests in each direction at all stages of the protection mechanisms are defined. Phenomena that have a General impact on the protection of property interests include criminal threats, accidental circumstances and unintentional innocent actions, uncontrolled phenomena, the effectiveness of process management and risk management, the use of business intelligence, and the impact of economic crisis phenomena. The special role of integration and Association of agri-food market participants in terms of protecting the property interests of small and medium-sized businesses is defined.
agri-food market, alcohol processing industry, protection of property interests, protection institutions, property preservation, protection tools, protection mechanism, physical protection, economic protection, information protection
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