Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Poultry farming is one of the most intensive and dynamic branches of agricultural production, it is the vanguard industry not only in livestock, but in all agriculture. In terms of concentration of production on small land areas, mechanization, automation and computerization of almost all production processes, this industry has gone far ahead in comparison with other branches of the agro-industrial complex. This is the bottom of the most important and promising branches of agriculture, occupying a leading position in Russia and in most countries of the world. The poultry industry in Russia has significant prospects for the development of domestic production of poultry meat and eggs. The main purpose for which a person breeds poultry is to obtain highly nutritious and dietary food products: meat and eggs. This is complemented by down and feathers. In the Russian Federation, the optimal solution to the food problem and nutritious nutrition of the population is the development of poultry egg farming, since the population's demand for fresh eggs and products of its processing is quite high. Poultry breeding is of great importance. It is the breeding significance of each rooster that is very great. The purpose of the work is to study the directional rearing of brood roosters and their maintenance during the period of breeding. Since this directly affects the quality of hatching eggs and the resulting offspring. The novelty lies in the fact that comprehensive studies have been carried out on the influence of age bonitization on the breeding qualities of males in the Sverdlovsk region. Methods. The generally accepted zootechnical and statistical research methods were used. Results. The developed methods of increasing the reproductive abilities of males, in particular, their assessment and selection for general development, live weight, development of reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics, as well as for sexual activity and quality of sperm products, make it possible to improve the quality of the products obtained and the economic efficiency of production.

poultry farming, breeding roosters, raising roosters, incubation properties, eggs.
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