Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research of this work was to assess the main economically significant traits of a new medium-ripening nematode-resistant potato variety Siverskiy according to the data of the State varietal plots of the Russian Federation and to study individual agrotechnical methods of its cultivation. Method of research. Testing, hybridization, assessments, determination of biochemical parameters, table qualities, analysis for resistance to pathogens were carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations for the technology of the potato breeding process. Results. The Siverskiy variety has competitive characteristics and meets many requirements of potato producers and consumers. In terms of ripening, it belongs to the mid-season group, multi-tuber, the average marketable yield is 24.0–29.0 t/ha, the maximum – 48.1–52.7 t/ha. It has excellent taste, increased dry matter content, attractive tuber shape, resistance to quarantine objects, late blight of tubers, viruses, common scab. The results of testing the variety in contrasting soil and climatic conditions of the Northwestern and Central Black Earth regions of the Russian Federation indicate a wide rate of its response to environmental conditions. The optimal parameters of agrotechnical methods of the generally accepted cultivation technology were revealed, taking into account the biological characteristics of the variety, which contribute to the realization of its potential productivity: the density of plantings for food purposes is 55 thousand pcs/ha with the introduction of complete mineral fertilizer at a dose of N90P90K90. The efficiency of cultivation of the Siverskiy variety was established using wide-row technology (90 cm), which provided a yield of 52.7 t/ha, the average weight of a marketable tuber 102 g, marketability. Scientific novelty consists in the creation of a new variety Siverskiy (hybrid 3602/28), which has a high yield, resistance to the main most harmful pathogens, quarantine objects and the development of individual technological parameters for its cultivation.

potato, variety, productivity, tuber quality, agricultural technology
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