Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of chelated microfertilizers to increase the level of realization of the genetic potential of peas is promising both in breeding and seed practice, and in the production of marketable products. The purpose of the study was to evaluate leafletless pea varieties on plant height and resistance to lodging under the influence of organomineral fertilizer-stimulating compositions. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time the influence of new chelated micronutrient fertilizers brands ORMISS on the characteristics of tendril (leafletless) pea varieties created in the Federal Rostov Scientific Research Agricultural Center, was studied. Methods. The researches were carried out in 2015–2017 in the Azov – Black Sea Engineering Institute of Don State Agrarian University in Zernograd. Three pea varieties of the leafless morphotype Aksausku usatyy 5, Al'yans and Ataman were the research material. The experiments and evaluations were carried out according to the method of field experience and the method of state variety testing of agricultural crops. The micronutrient fertilizers of ORMISS Cu–B and ORMISS Cu–Mo were used with the dosages 2 l/t and 2 l/ha for the treatment of seeds and plants. Results. The influence of organic fertilizer-stimulating compositions with copper, boron and molybdenum on the technological characteristics of pea varieties, such as the height of the lowest bean, the height of the plants, the stem height and the resistance to lodging, has been studied. It was founded that after these treatments, the indicators increased to different degrees, i.e. the height of the lowest bean varied from 51.2 to 66.1, the height of the plants – from 58.6 to 90.8 and the stem height – from 27.5 to 42.3 cm. The resistance to lodging at the same time was 0.4–0.6. In all variants of the experience the pea varieties were suitable for mechanical cultivation and harvesting.

suitability for mechanical cultivation, pea, variety, leaflet less morphotype, chelated microfertilizers
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