Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose – to study under cultural conditions in the Bashkir Cis-Urals three samples of Allium nutans L.: Bashkir, Novosibirsk (broadleaf and narrow-leaved form). Studied: phenology, biomorphology, reproduction, agricultural technology and biochemical composition. Methods. The study was conducted in 2017–2020 at the collection site of onions in the South Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the UFRC RAS. Analysis of the seasonal rhythm of growth and development, winter resistance, resistance to adverse weather conditions, pests and diseases, reproduction rate and seed productivity was carried out according to generally accepted recommendations. Results. Drooping onion is a long-lasting medium-late-flowering plant. Spring growth of A. nutans samples occurs in the 2nd–3rd decade of April, leaf growth in the spring is initially expressed in accelerating the growth processes of last year's etiolated leaves, and only then new young leaves come to the soil surface. The appearance of the flower arrow occurs in mid-June, the beginning of budding falls on the 2nd–3rd decades of June and lasts 30–35 days. Novosibirsk samples bloom in mid-July, the Bashkir sample – a week later. The flowering phase lasts an average of 35–41 days. Seeds ripen in August-September. In Novosibirsk samples, seeds mature in 16–19 days, in the Bashkir sample – in 25 days. The maximum number of seeds forms the Bashkir sample 647–1031 pcs. (average 835.0 ± 53.5). Scientific novelty. For the first time, the biochemical composition of samples of this onion was made and analyzed. According to the maximum accumulation of vitamin C and carotene, the Bashkir sample differs (104.92 mg% and 166.4 mg/kg, respectively). In the Novosibirsk sample (narrow-leaved form), the maximum amount of sugar and starch (8.8 and 6.12%, respectively) and the minimum amount of vitamin C (41.53 mg%) were found. The Novosibirsk sample (broadleaf form) contains more protein (17.06%) and a minimum amount of carotene (83.2 mg/kg). According to other indicators (solid, nitrogen, raw fat), the studied samples differ little from each other.

Allium nutans L., samples, phenology, biomorphology, reproductive indicators, biochemical analysis
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