Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article discusses the influence of human capital on the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex. The purpose of the study is to analyze the use and management of human capital from the standpoint of practice, the development of systems that are used to manage and develop employees of an organization. Results. The article reveals the results of the analysis of the development level of the agro-industrial complex and the state of the social infrastructure of the region as the most important conditions for the formation of human capital, functioning within a particular region. On the basis of theoretical generalizations, the analysis of statistical data, the desired dependencies and the rating of countries according to the human development index were obtained. The state and development of human capital is based on the initial data of Russian agricultural organizations for 2017–2019. As a result of the analysis, two types of models were proposed – linear and nonlinear models; correlation and regression analysis of statistical data was carried out. The main importance is the setting of the prospects for the development of human capital and, on this basis, the possibility of creating and strengthening food self-sufficiency. In the formation of human capital, the topical issue is the qualifications of specialists and its constant growth. The article presents in the most detail the results of processing the theory of statistical information on the example of correlation-regression analysis. Scientific novelty. The results obtained in the process of work have theoretical novelty and practical value, because, first of all, in the context of a pandemic, the formation of the importance of an emphasis on the progressiveness of the regulatory and legal framework and the improvement of stimulating the demand for highly qualified specialists in rural areas has been accomplished. Achieving competitive advantages is possible on the basis of sustainable development as a factor in ensuring economic stability. The structure of the process of using human capital includes progressive elements based on a balance between the increase and depletion of available resources. The results of the study confirmed the significance of the proposed indicators of human capital, however, they refuted the hypothesis of a direct relationship between the number of employees with higher education and the efficiency of the agro-industrial complex.

human development index, methods for assessing human capital, agriculture, human capital, intellectual capital, correlation and regression analysis, performance indicators
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