Abstract. The purpose of the research is to develop an effective feed additive with an optimal content of raw protein in combination with flavoring additives for ducklings, which allows to increase zoo technical and economic indicators with broiler technology of fattening young animals. Research methods. A scientific and production experiment was conducted on three groups of analog ducklings from a daily age to 49 days old. The studied indicators are: the dynamics of live weight by fattening phases, absolute and average daily growth, the safety of young animals, feed conversion, slaughter indicators, the European fattening efficiency indicator, the profitability of meat production. Results. The use of compound feeds with an optimal level of protein content in combination with flavoring additives prepared on the basis of developed feed additives intended for fattening broiler ducklings in the fattening phases contributes to an increase in: live weight by 11.4 %, the safety of young animals by 3 %, feed consumption and conversion by 3.9 and 7.6 %, slaughter yield of 1.1 %, the European fattening efficiency indicator from 246 to 308 units and the profitability of meat production by 24.5 %. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a complex feed additive has been developed, which, according to the age periods of fattening, includes three varieties: “Prestart”, intended for intensive fattening of young animals from daily to 10 days of age inclusive, “Start” for ducklings from 11 to 21 days and “Finish” from 22 to 49 days. The rate of introduction of the additive is 30 % of the mass of mixed feed. The composition of the supplement includes high-protein feeds, premixes, amino acids and flavoring substances (monosodium glutamate, acetic and citric acids, a mixture of phytogenics: oregano, cinnamon, red pepper).
broiler ducklings, fattening, compound feed, protein, flavoring additives, meat productivity, zoo technical efficiency, feed additive, slaughter yield, feed costs
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