Abstract. The purpose of the study is to study and analyze the transnationalization of agriculture in relation to the agri-food sector of the EAEU countries. Scientific novelty. The developed conceptual framework for managing the transnationalization of agriculture will ensure equivalent shares in the structure of the common market for the EAEU members, intensify the processes of establishing business communication and joint production activities that will improve the situation on the labor market in the agricultural sector, accelerate the implementation of investment projects, carry out R&D aimed at improvement of the economic situation in the industry. Methods. Research based on a systematic approach to the studied objects and processes. In course of the work, economic-mathematical, normative, abstract-logical, monographic, expert and other methods of economic research were used. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research was scientific works, developments and recommendations of domestic and foreign scientists-economists on the problems of forecasting and planning, legislative acts, program documents and government resolutions on the effective and sustainable development of agricultural formations. The formation of the research information base was carried out on the basis of statistical data on the dynamics of agricultural indicators published in official statistical publications and yearbooks, on official websites of information Internet resources for 1998–2020. Results. The studies made it possible to identify factors in the development of agriculture in the context of transnationalization, taking into account the problems of integration of countries in the EAEU space, to establish the dependence of the development of the industry on an effective program of adaptation of organizations to new economic conditions, which should take into account a complex of political, economic and other factors affecting the efficiency of activities.
transnationalization, agriculture, agri-food sector, management concept, food security, agro-industrial policy, agri-food system, agricultural market, public administration, development factors
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