Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. The article is dedicated to the analysis of the level of development of the agrarian structure, the research of problems and constraints of the functioning of various forms of management in order to identify and study the mechanisms of management of the agricultural sector. Methods. In the course of the scientific research, such methods as monographic, econometric, analytical, abstract-logical, as well as the method of monitoring studies were used. Results. Studies have shown that the Russian agricultural industry is represented by various forms of agricultural management: representatives of large and small agribusiness with a constant increase in the degree of dominance of large agribusiness. However, for some regions, due to the specifics of national, cultural and historical characteristics, the dominance of small agribusiness in the production of agricultural products is characteristic. One of these regions is the Rostov region, where the share of farming and households accounts for 55.4 % of the region's agricultural production. This, in turn, allows us to conclude that it is impractical to shift the emphasis of state regulation and support towards one of the forms of agricultural management. Scientific novelty. Some mechanisms and tools for managing the agrarian structure are proposed to provide for the improvement of the institutional environment and the creation of equal conditions for the development of both small and large agribusiness, as well as taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the development of each form of agricultural management. In order to determine the most effective and efficient tools and mechanisms for managing the agricultural sector of the economy in relation to a specific region, the implementation of which will activate the potential of both the entire industry and individual agricultural structures, it is proposed to analyze the level of development of the agricultural structure of the region.

agriculture, agricultural structure, large agricultural organizations, small forms of management, management tools and mechanisms, technical and technological security
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