Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The aim of the work is to separate from hybrid generations (F3-F4) the promising material of high-temperature stress resistance. Scientific novelty. Testing the growth of the germ root at 35, 38 and especially 43 °C is an effective method of differentiating tomato genotypes and identifying their resistance to heat. As a result of our studies of inter-grade and remote hybridization, tomato lines have been obtained, combining heat-resistantness with high productivity and valuable biochemical indicators of fruit quality. Methods. The material for research served 11 promising varieties and lines of tomato. Dedicated genetic sources of heat resistance were included in inter-grade crossings. The selection of genotypes for heat-resistantness in the field was carried out taking into account the complex of morphological and agrochemical features (type and strength of plant growth, bush foliage, phenology, shape and size of the fruit, general productivity of commodity fruits, the mass of the fetus). Results. It has been established that in varieties and lines of tomato, created as a result of inter-grade and interspecies interbreeding, heat-resistant sporophyte varied to large limits depending on the genotype and temperature level. The fruit's product ranged depending on the genotype and the year of cultivation (71.8–98.3 %). All forms turned out to be large-fruited – the weight of the fruit was from 87.8–124.6 g. L132, L204, L112 lines stood out as early forms. The dry matter content of all the genotypes studied is high, as it is above 5.0 %, except for the lines L122, L211 dry matter content of which was 4.74 and 4.58 %, respectively. Vitamin C was highest in L143 (63.32), L141 (62.65), L112 (63.38).

tomato, genotype, interbreeding, fruit, heat resistance, yield, stability, evaluation
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