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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The main problem of farms is their low profitability; the development of various activities, including non-agricultural ones, contributes to the solution of this issue. It is important to study the possibilities for the development of this process and develop a mechanism to systematically provide information on this issue. The purpose of this study is to develop the foundations for the formation of an organizational and economic mechanism for diversifying the activities of peasant (farm) economy (P(F)E) in the North-West of the Russian Federation. Methods. During the study, the methods of questioning and interviewing, a systematic approach, modeling and analysis of socio-economic processes, and a calculation and analytical method were used. Results. A diagram of the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of the diversification of P(F)E activities has been developed, reflecting the internal and external conditions necessary both for starting the diversification process and for its successful functioning, as well as corrective actions that contribute to the efficiency of the diversified farming. This scheme can be used in training both novice farmers and to improve the qualifications of heads and members of existing P(F)E, as well as by authorities at all levels in the development of policies for the development of rural areas. This will allow maintaining the population of rural areas, as well as using its potential for increasing food security in both the region and the country, will increase the attractiveness of rural areas for agritourism, including the interregional and international level. Scientific novelty. A systematization of various approaches of scientists to the classification of types of diversification in agricultural production was made, which helped to deepen the study of the features of the process of diversification in farms of the Leningrad region. On the basis of a survey of farmers, the reasons were identified, both constraining and contributing to the development of diversification. The definitions of diversification in P(F)E and the organizational and economic mechanism for the development of diversification of activities in P(F)E are given and a scheme of this mechanism is proposed.

organizational and economic mechanism, types of diversification, farms, Leningrad region, internal and external factors
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