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Abstract (English):
Abstract. In today’s world, focusing on production of environmentally friendly products: the use of toxic chemicals severely affects not only the environment but also on human health. In this regard, the production of an alternative to pesticides - biological products - is growing. The use of microbiological fertilizers improves soil fertility, increases crop yields. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of fertilizing with microbiological fertilizers “Azotovit” and “Fosfatovit” on the productivity of pea varieties. The scientific novelty of the work is that in the first, in the conditions of the Chuvash Republic in the training and production research center “Studencheskiy” on light gray forest soil, there was a study of the effect of microbiological fertilizers on the productivity of pea varieties. Methods records and observations were carried out according to the generally accepted method of conducting field experiments. Results. A study conducted during 2018–2019 in the Chuvash Republic revealed a positive effect of fertilizing with microbiological fertilizers on the Dudar’ and Spartak pea varieties. Changes in the height of plants, an increase in their safety, an increase in the indicators of the structure of the yield and the yield of pea varieties were noted. Thus, fertilizing peas of the Spartak variety with “Azotovit” increased the height of plants by 4 %, while feeding with “Fosfatovit”, no changes were observed in this indicator. The use of “Azotovit” on the Dudar’ variety increased plant safety by 5.3 %, and “Fosfatovit” – by 2.6 %. The analysis of the elements of the yield structure showed that feeding with microbiological fertilizers increased the number of beans per plant, seeds in one bean, as well as the mass of seeds per plant and 1000 pieces. A significant increase in yield was found when feeding pea varieties. Thus, the use of “Azotovit” on crops of the Dudar’ variety increased the yield by 37 %, and “Fosfatovit” – by 12.5%; in variants with the Spartak variety, fertilizing with “Azotovit” increased the yield by 12.0 %, and fertilizing with “Fosfatovit” by 9.1 %.

peas, microbiological fertilizers, Azotovit, Fosfatovit, productivity, nutrition, crop structure, yield
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