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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The aim of the research was to adjust the direction of barley breeding towards the creation of semi-intensive and intensive varieties, for farms with different levels of agricultural culture, according to economically valuable characteristics adapted to the conditions of the Chelyabinsk region. An assessment of the ecological testing of spring barley varieties in the southern forest-steppe zone of the Southern Urals during sowing according to the fallow and grain predecessor for 2018 – 2020 of the parameters of ecological adaptability in yield was carried out. Methods. The studies were conducted from 2018 to 2020. In the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Chelyabinsk region, GP “Troitskoe”. A detailed analysis of the adaptability parameters is given: the coefficients of the environmental conditions index (Ij), the coefficients of adaptation, genetic flexibility, plasticity (bi) and stability (2d) are calculated. The selection of varieties for all studied parameters was obtained. Results. The results of this environmental test showed that of the whole set, the varieties have high ecological plasticity for this period: Omsk 95, Orda, Nutans 236C158, Nutans 272F677, Nutans 193C93 with an adaptability coefficient greater than 1. Nutans 236C158, Orda, Nutans 272F677, Nutans193C93 showed the maximum adaptability for 3 years when sowing according to the grain predecessor, they had a consistently high yield and an adaptation coefficient greater than 1 under any weather conditions. An increase in the genetic flexibility of varieties was found when sowing in pairs from 1.61 to 3.09. For the zone of risky farming, the most plastic varieties with a high yield potential in any weather conditions were distinguished: Orda, Nutans 236C158, Nutans 272F677, Omsk 95, Nutans 193C93 and Nutans 207C74. Pallidum 297C151, Chelyabinsk 99, Chelyabinsk 96 and Nutans 103G177 varieties reacted sharply to changes in vegetation conditions. Scientific novelty Groups of the studied varieties have been identified according to the parameters of ecological plasticity and stability, simplifying selection for further breeding process. Varieties Omsk 99 and Vakula can be used for breeding for drought resistance.

varieties, spring barley, yield, adaptation coefficient, genetic flexibility, plasticity, weather conditions
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