Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The preparation of the work is related to the low level of publication activity regarding the issues of research on the risks of scientific and technological development of agriculture, on the one hand, and the growing need for the formation of practical recommendations on risk management for the development of departmental information systems designed to implement state programs for the scientific and technological development of agriculture. This document presents the assessment and analysis of risk management elements in the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for Agricultural Development for 2017–2025 (FSTP). The purpose of the article is to analyze the range of risk management entities, the types of risks identified in the regulatory legal framework governing the scientific and technological support of agricultural development and procedural measures for their management, as well as the inclusion of risks of scientific and technological development of agriculture in the system of risks to food security. An analysis of food security risks was carried out in regulatory documents, new risk formulations in the updated Food Security Doctrine were clarified. Attention is paid to problematic issues of risk interpretation in the FSTP, which require scientific discussion and amendments to regulatory documents. For the first time, the definition of the risk of scientific and technological development of agriculture in the context of the FSTP was formulated. The work identified and considered the risks of the upper level of scientific and technical development of agriculture in connection with food security, the risks of achieving the results of the FSTP, the risks of achieving the result of the main activities of the FSTP subprogrammes. Methods. Methodically, the work is based on an expert method and analysis of documentation. The scientific novelty consists in developing an integrated approach to the analysis of risks of scientific and technological development of agriculture. The result of the work is the identified relationships of the analyzed risks and recommendations for improving the methodological apparatus of risk management in the area under consideration.

food security, FSTP, technological risks, agro-industrial complex, digital services, import substitution, life cycle, scientific and technological development, agriculture, strategic advantages, risk management, risk assessment and analysis
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