Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. The research consists in developing a methodology for diagnosing the conditions of spatial placement of agricultural production within the framework of territorial planning. Methods. In the course of the research, monographic, statistical and computational-analytical methods of data processing were used. The dynamic assessment of the resource potential and the level of technological development of the crop production sub-sector allows us to identify competitive advantages, methods of statistical grouping to determine the vector of spatial placement. The empirical basis of the study was the assessment of trends in the development of the crop industry in large and medium-sized agricultural organizations, as well as in the farms of the Rostov region for the period 2016-2020. Results and practical significance. The proposed methodology based on the assessment of quantitative and qualitative within the regional potential of agricultural production allows us to identify both the competitive advantages of individual natural and economic zones in the cultivation of the main types of crops, and a number of sectoral problems. In particular, the calculations made it possible to objectively identify highly specialized zones for the production of certain types of agricultural products, assess bottlenecks in the level of technological development, establish depressive territories, determine the possibilities of leveling natural and climatic factors affecting the development of priority industries. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the system of territorial planning should be predetermined by the diagnosis of the conditions of spatial placement of key sub-sectors of agricultural production, taking into account the prevailing competitive advantages. Scientific novelty. The proposed methodology can be used as a unified tool for developing regional state programs for the development of agriculture, which allows linking the internal resource and production potential of the subjects of the Russian Federation with the target indicators of the federal state program.

territorial planning, spatial placement, strategic competitive advantages, agriculture, region
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