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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to examine the subjective factors that determine the behavior of the ones making the decisions in terms of biological processes in the format of ecological development of land-utilization. Methodology and methods. The study was carried out using a survey of a representative selection of respondents, which included owners, managers and specialists of agricultural enterprises in the Tambov region. Results. Using a standardized methods of testing the core components of readiness for activity, it became possible to assess the overall level of readiness for biologization as sufficiently low. The most problematic components turned out to be: cognitive, motivational and organizational readiness, especially in comparison with relatively high rate of personal and emotional readiness. This can prevalently be related to the low level, and often the complete absence of knowledge of the theoretical background, regularities, mechanisms and possible effects of biologization. The analysis of the relationships between the behavioural parameters of the ones making the decisions about environmental improvements in land-utilization at the enterprise level made it possible to create a model of typology of behavior in the process of biologization. The scientific novelty lies in the justification of the need to shift priorities in managing the process of forming sustainable land use systems, from administrative regulation and directive intervention towards the use of methods to activate the introduction of biological practices, which should be based on the assessment and prediction of individual behavioral factors.

stable development, agriculture, land-utilization, biologization, organic agriculture, readiness for action, subjective factor
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