Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The work purpose is to evaluate the adaptability, plasticity and stability of new varieties of winter wheat in competitive variety testing, to identify the best ones for the soil and climatic conditions of the Udmurt Republic. In 2017–2020, seven varieties of winter wheat participated in competitive variety testing. Sowing was carried out in the last five days of August. The seeding rate is 6 million germinating grains. Predecessor was green manure fallow (clover 2 year of use). The adaptability of varieties was determined by the method of A. V. Kilchevsky and L. V. Khotyleva (1985), plasticity according to S. A. Eberhart, W. A. Russell (1966), analysis of variance and coefficient of variation according to B. A. Dospekhov (1985). On average for 2017–2018, 2020, the varieties Italmas and 2.05/3 had the highest yield (4.69–4.88 t/ha) and overall adaptive capacity (4.10 and 1.98 t/ha). The varieties Lyubava and DaUR were more stable (σ2CACi 25,72 and 26,08). Varieties Italmas, A-683, 2.05/3 and Lyubava were characterized by high plasticity and responsiveness to favorable conditions (bi > 1). The varieties Italmas, DaUR and 2.05/3 had breeding value (breeding value of the genotype was 26.84–27.38). Varieties Italmas, 2.05/3 and A-683 were the most winter-hardy. Variety DaUR showed greater resistance to damping-off under the conditions of 2019, providing overwintering by 24 % and exceeding other varieties by 9–19 % (the least significant difference (95 %) of private differences is 7 %). Standard Moskovskaya 39 showed high resistance to lodging under provocative conditions, varieties Italmas and 2.05/3 were moderately resistant. Varieties Moskovskaya 39 and 3.05/21 formed the highest gluten content in grain (30.7 %), but its quality is satisfactory (Group II). Good gluten of the I quality group was obtained from varieties DaUR and 2.05/3. High-glassy grain in all years of study was noted in the Moskovskaya 39 standard.

general adaptive capacity and plasticity of yield, resistance to snow mold
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