Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Relevance. Industrial grape culture necessitates the formation of highly productive plantings. The grafted grape culture in comparison with the native one solves a number of problems of industrial viticulture. However, the increased costs for the production of grafted seedlings in comparison with root-related ones necessitate a reduction in the cost of their production, which can be achieved by reducing the length of the underground stem, and obtaining the largest amount of harvest can be achieved by the correct selection of the rootstock variety. Goal. Selection, for grafted Prestizh grape seedlings, of the optimal length and rootstock variety, with an assessment of the impact on biometric indicators. Research methods. The methods of setting up the experience and analyzing the data obtained were used in the work, which are generally accepted in the practice of nursery breeding. Results. The ripening of seedlings on the Kober 5 BB rootstock variety varied from 12 to 41 % in relation to length, which is significantly less than on the 101-14 rootstock variety, from 24 to 52 %. Analyzing the influence of the rootstock variety on biometric indicators and the quality of shoots, the best responsiveness of the Prestizh graft variety to the rootstock variety 101-14 was noted. The rootstock variety had the greatest influence on the quality of seedlings. With the Kober 5 BB rootstock variety, the final yield of seedlings was low and varied from 8.1 to 37.2%. An increase in the yield of seedlings was observed with the rootstock of the Riparia × Rupestris 101-1 variety, which was 30-48%, which is more than when using the Kober 5 BB rootstock (by 1.3–3.7 times). Practical significance. According to the research results, there was a tendency to increase the final yield of seedlings with a decrease in the length of the rootstock from 45 cm (standard rootstock length) to 30 cm for both varieties. Scientific novelty. The responsiveness of the Prestizh graft variety in the production of grafted grape seedlings to reduce the length of the rootstock, depending on its variety, was revealed.

vinograd, pitomnikovodstvo, privitoy sazhenec, shkolka, dlina podvoya, affinitet, vyhod sazhencev
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