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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. To develop the architecture of the system of strategic planning of the agricultural sector in the context of the formation of a new world economic structure. Methods. The following methods were used in the course of the study: abstract-logical, monographic, structural and comparative analysis, inductive conclusion. Results and practical significance. The paper outlines the main aspects of the formation of a new world economic order, the core of which is the system of strategic planning along with the development of market mechanisms of management. The role and place of strategic planning in the system of state regulation of the agricultural sector are outlined. The evolution of the system of state regulation of the agrarian economy in the conditions of changing world economic patterns is presented. It is proved that the fragmentary nature of the strategic planning system in the agricultural sector does not allow the industry to switch to the formation of a new model of economic development. The inductive conclusion of the author's developments made it possible to systematize conceptual approaches to strategic goal-setting in the agricultural sector, to substantiate the key problems of the current management cycle in the industry. It is noted that financial and budgetary strategies are important components of the strategic planning system of the agricultural sector in conjunction with the agricultural development strategy. The conducted analysis made it possible to form a methodological basis for the sequence of practical development, interconnection and coordination of elements of the strategic planning system. Scientific novelty. A modern architecture of strategic planning of the agricultural sector has been developed, which is understood as the design of a system that links the key elements of strategizing into a single management cycle: hypothesis – concept – strategy – forecast – economic orientation – plan – program – project.

strategic planning, strategy, forecast, state program, national project, agricultural sector, new world economic structure
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