Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study was to assess the state of the intestinal tract in broiler chickens when a phytobiotic preparation is included in the diet. Methods. The studies were carried out as part of a scientific and economic experiment on broilers of the Ross-308 cross, formed into the control and experimental groups (n = 44). The experimental bird, in addition to the main diet, from the 5th day of life received a phytobiotic supplement in the amount of 0.15 g per 1 kg of feed. During the experiment, the following were evaluated: the mass and length of the intestines of chickens; the microflora of the blind processes according to the results of microbiological seeding on the necessary selective nutrient media; morphological and histological changes in the duodenum and caecum. Results. A tendency was revealed to increase the length of the intestine in broiler chickens of the experimental group: at the age of 29 days it was longer than that of chickens in the control group by 3.8 %, at 37 days – by 2.2 %. The inclusion of the phytobiotic in the diet of broilers did not affect the state of the normoflora of the caecum of birds, but had a significant effect on reducing the number of potentially pathogenic representatives of the microbiota – Staphylococcus Saprophyticus and Trichosporon asahii. Morphohistological studies demonstrated moderate inflammation processes in the blind processes in experimental chickens by the end of the technological cycle (37 days) and the presence of activated lymphoid follicles, against the background of a pronounced inflammatory infiltration of this organ in control samples. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time studies have been carried out to study the effect of a new phytobiotic preparation on the development of the intestinal tract of broiler chickens, on the composition of the microflora of the blind processes, the morphological and histological state of the duodenum and caecum. A conclusion was made about the favorable effect of the studied preparation on the structure and functions of the analyzed organs, which in turn is a biological prerequisite for its positive effect on the digestibility and use of feed nutrients, and, consequently, on the main indicators of poultry productivity.

broiler chickens, phytobiotic, intestinal microflora, feed antibiotics, pathogenic microflora, biologically active additives
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