Abstract. In modern veterinary medicine, in the last decade, significant achievements have been noted in the treatment of malignant tumors in dogs, but nevertheless the number of oncologically ill animals is quite widespread, and tends to increase further. The use of only traditional methods for the treatment of oncological pathologies (radiation and chemotherapy, surgical) does not have a positive effect, and accordingly does not solve the problem as a whole. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the effect of selective COX-2 inhibitors in combination with cyclophosphamide on the morphobiochemical parameters of the blood of dogs with malignant neoplasms of the breast. The purpose of our work was to study the dynamics of morphobiochemical blood parameters during multimodal conservative therapy of breast cancer recurrence in dogs with selective COX-2 inhibitors (firocoxib, cimicoxib) and cyclophosphamide. Research methods. Clinical observations and studies were carried out in the veterinary clinic of the Center for Animal Beauty and Health “Zoostyle” in Volgograd. The object of the study was 6 female dogs of various breeds aged 10-14 years, with a morphologically confirmed diagnosis of recurrent breast adenocarcinoma. At the same time, an automatic hematological analyzer “Mindray BC-2800 Vet” and a semi-automatic biochemical analyzer “BioChem SA” were used. Stained blood smears were examined under a microscope “MIKMED-5”. Results. The results of the studies show that morphobiochemical blood parameters varied in both groups by the 90th day of therapy. The results obtained convincingly show that the use of a combination of selective COX-2 inhibitors and cyclophosphamide, in clinically significant doses, induced an increase in individual biochemical parameters of blood serum, without symptomatic manifestations. In the firocoxib group, creatinine and urea levels exceeded the reference values by 39.5 and 67.7 %, respectively. Thus, the combination of drugs in the first group demonstrates an increased risk of use in animals with renal insufficiency.
blood, dynamics, hematological and biochemical parameters, cyclooxygenase-2, cyclophosphamide, mammary gland cancer, dog
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