Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to present the result of the breeding work of the wheat breeding laboratory of the Kurgan Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture – branch of Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Ural Federal Agrarian Scientific Research Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences” – a new variety of winter wheat Izaura and to give its economic and biological characteristics. The variety was created by the method of multiple individual-familial selection from a hybrid population of K-85 (a population of hardy forms) / Kurganskaya ozimaya. According to the results of the competitive variety testing, the yield of the variety in 2017 was 4.65 t/ha (+0.29 t/ha to the Omsk winter standard), in the conditions of drought of 2020–2021, 1.10 t/ha (+0.42 t/ha). The maximum yield was obtained in the Orenburg region of 58 kg/ha (2020). When creating a new variety, the task of increasing yields was solved due to higher winter hardiness, resistance to brown rust, powdery mildew and improving baking properties. The advantage of the variety: increased winter hardiness, frost resistance, friendly spring regrowth, resistance to the return of spring cold, high yield and grain quality. During the years of research, the variety was slightly affected by diseases that are widespread in the conditions of the forest–steppe of the Trans-Urals: brown rust – 11 %, powdery mildew – 0.5 points, septoria 0–0.1 %. In terms of grain quality, the new variety is a valuable wheat. The nature was 751 g/l, vitreous – 50 %, protein content in grain – 17.5 %, gluten content in flour – 35.3 % of the second group, flour strength – 367 e. a., bread volume yield – 848 cm3, overall bread score – 3.3 points. Resistant to germination and shedding of grain on the root. The variety is intended for zonal cultivation technology in pairs. According to the results of the state variety testing, since 2022, the Izaura variety has been included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in the Ural (9) and West Siberian (10) regions, where increases amounted to 0.25 and 0.45 t/ha, respectively. Scientific novelty. A new variety of winter soft wheat has been created, which has advantages over common varieties in the Ural region, in terms of resistance to brown rust, powdery mildew and has increased winter hardiness.
new variety, winter wheat, yield, grain quality, crop structure
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