Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is based on the analysis the state of dairy cattle breeding and fodder production in the Udmurt Republic, to give recommendations for improving the supply of fodder for domestic production. Methods. The state of dairy cattle breeding and fodder production in the Udmurt Republic was assessed according to the statistical data of the Territorial authority of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Udmurt Republic and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Udmurt Republic for 1990-2021. The fodder productivity of promising species and varieties of perennial grasses was analyzed based on the results of studies conducted at the Udmurt Federal Research Center of the UB RAS. Scientific novelty. A comprehensive analysis of the number of cattle, gross milk yield, sown areas of fodder crops and their gross harvest in the Udmurt Republic was carried out. Results. During the study period, the number of cattle decreased from 592.2 to 336.8 thousand heads, including cows - from 269.2 to 134.5 thousand heads. Milk production increased from 434.6 thousand tons in 2005 to 924.0 thousand tons in 2021. During the study period, the area of arable land decreased from 1233.6 to 917.4 thousand hectares. Forage crops occupied 55.7-62.3% in the structure of sown areas, the largest area of 567.5 thousand hectares was noted in 2005. The area of fodder crops in 2021 amounted to only 423.5 thousand hectares. An analysis of the fodder production development in the Udmurt Republic indicates the potential for increasing milk production to 1.2 million tons, the number of cows – up to 140 thousand heads. The production of fodder units on arable land should be at least 11 million tons to ensure the increased livestock and its productivity. Also, the area of fodder crops should be increased to 650,000 ha. It is necessary to pay more attention to the introduction of new types and varieties of fodder crops, increasing their yields, and the quality of the fodder produced.

dairy cattle breeding, number of cattle, milk yield, gross harvest, feed units, fodder crops
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