Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Modern standards for feeding industrial poultry are detailed and aimed at maintaining a healthy long life and reproductive abilities, with obtaining quality products from animals. However, it is impossible to take into account the biotic factors that arise in practice, causing stressful conditions and hormonal changes, which have a complex detrimental effect on living systems, reduce immunity and limit the disclosure of the bird's genetic capabilities. Phytobiotics contribute to positive changes in morphological, biochemical and histological processes in the body. The aim of the work was to assess the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood, the safety and productivity of chickens when feeding new phytobiotic preparations Activo and Activo Liquid. Methods. The studies were carried out on the basis of the poultry farm “Borovskaya” on industrial young and laying hens of the High Line brown cross in cage conditions. The control and experimental birds were grown in accordance with the technological recommendations of the poultry farm, taking into account the standards for the above cross. Zootechnical, statistical, biochemical research methods were used. Scientific novelty. For the first time, the effect of phytobiotics Activo and Activo Liquid on blood parameters, safety and productivity in rearing young and laying hens was studied. Results. An analysis of the morpho-biochemical parameters of chicken blood in their diagnostic value against the background of short-term and periodic use of the tested phytobiotic preparations Activo and Activo Liquid as part of the diet according to the proposed scheme indicated a general improvement in metabolic processes in the body of the bird, which together served as a physiological and biochemical basis for improving the safety of livestock and egg productivity of chickens.

morphological and biochemical parameters of chicken blood, safety, productivity, laying hens, phytobiotics
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