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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The enterprises of the agro-industrial complex, which are regional leaders in the production of certain types of products, have a positive effect on food security indicators, the development of consumer markets, their saturation with high-quality food products. Today, the agro-industrial complex of the country needs modern and moderately accessible analytical tools that can respond in a timely manner to strategic changes that create opportunities or threats to the enterprise, assess potential risks, develop new strategic solutions and business models. Currently, the following types of business models applicable to the agro-industrial complex are being considered: integrated business model, finished product business model, pure producer business model. The article discusses the business processes associated with these models that are carried out to optimize development. The subject of the study is business processes in the management of the agro-industrial complex of the region. The purpose of the study is to develop a business process model that contributes to the effective functioning of agro-industrial enterprises. Research objectives: 1) to consider the advantages of business models in the practice of agribusiness; 2) to evaluate the practice of optimizing business processes of large network structures of the agro-industrial complex; 3) to develop an adapted model for integrating business processes in a market transformation. The main research methods are: 1) analysis, induction and deduction; 2) generalization, synthesis; 3) modeling of production and economic processes of agribusiness. Results. The prevailing macroeconomic and market conditions give a significant advantage to large agribusiness operating in the regions in the form of holdings, alliances, associations. In this case, the most promising areas of business process transformation are the integration model, which allows expanding the possibilities of technology adaptation, increasing presence in global markets, and increasing profits. Scientific novelty. The proposed model of business processes for agro-industrial enterprises takes into account structural and macroeconomic constraints, allows optimizing and developing the existing resource potential, gaining access to project and cluster cooperation.

agroindustrial complex, concept of sustainable development, business processes of agroindustrial complex, business modeling, management mechanism, agroholding, automation of agroindustrial complex
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