Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Each soil-climatic zone should be provided with the most adapted varieties of agricultural crops. The Middle Cis-Urals is characterized by a short growing season, low-humus acidic soils. However, due to global warming, the sum of active temperatures in the region exceeded 2000 °C and made it possible to grow not only early-ripening, but also mid-ripening varieties of spring wheat, which have a greater productivity potential. The purpose of the study is a comparative assessment of spring wheat varieties of different ripeness groups according to the nature of the development of the above-ground mass, the formation of yield and its components. Methods. Zonal tests were carried out for three years on acidic soddy medium podzolic medium loamy soil. We tested 10 varieties of early, mid-early and mid-ripening groups. The field experience had accounting plots with an area of 1.05 m2 and their sixfold repetition. Results. It has been established that the mid-early varieties Omskaya 36 and Kalinka, as well as the mid-ripening varieties Simbirtsit, Likamero and Chernozemnouralskaya 2, significantly exceeded the yield of the early ripe variety Irgina by 13, 20, 15, 13 and 31%, respectively. In addition, varieties Chernozemnouralskaya 2 and Kalinka showed an average variation in yield (V = 12.5 and 19.7 %, respectively). The mid-ripening varieties Simbirtsit, Likamero and Chernozemnouralskaya 2 compared with the Irgina variety had a significantly lower straw content ratio by 18, 29 and 17 %, respectively. The variety Chernozemnouralskaya 2 stood out among other varieties in coefficient of productive tillering, exceeding the Irgina variety by 15.5 %. Varieties Kalinka and Simbirtsit had a greater mass of 1000 grains, respectively, by 3.9 and 3.0 g than that of the Irgina variety (27.7 g). The scientific novelty of the conducted research lies in the comparative assessment of the formation of yields by spring wheat varieties of different ripeness groups on acidic low-humus soil.

spring wheat, variety, ripeness group of varieties, grain yield, yield components
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