Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Chromium-based additives have advantages for growing livestock, which are expressed in improving the indicators of cultivation and fattening. That is why the purpose of our study was to study the effect of chromium on the metabolism and productivity of bulls, the use of energy, calcium and phosphorus by the body. Methods. Calves of the Kazakh white-headed breed, divided by the method of pairs of analogues into 3 groups. The scientific and economic experiment was carried out on 30 bulls (n = 10). The physiological experiment was carried out on 9 bulls (n = 3). Experimental scheme: control animals – standard diet; I – chromium picolinate at a dose of 1.625 mg/ kg of ration dry matter; II – at a dose of 1.765 mg/kg of ration dry matter. The scientific novelty consisted in the fact that for the first time studies were conducted to determine the effect of chromium picolinate in various dosages on the metabolic processes and productivity of Kazakh white-headed bulls. Results. It was found that chromium picolinate in dosages of 1.739–1.765 mg/kg of dry matter of the diet had a beneficial effect on the productive qualities of bulls. So, the experimental groups consumed gross energy more than the control by 2.9 and 7.19 %; digestible by 4.2 and 11.9 % and exchangeable by 4.34 and 12.3 %. The growth energy increased in the studied groups by 8.53 and 22.1 %. The coefficients of productive use of calcium increased in groups I and II by 8.4 and 16.1 %, and in phosphorus by 0.1 and 4.7 % respectively, which was expressed in superiority in 15 months in live weight by 9.3 and 13.7 kg. The intensity of protein metabolism was characterized by an increase in serum urea in group I by 68.5 %, and in group II by 36.8 %, creatinine by 68.5 % and 36.8 % compared with the control with a decrease in uric acid by 69.4 and 58.5 %.

bulls, energy, calcium, phosphorus, absolute gain, average daily gain
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