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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Purpose. The systematization of information on the micro clonal reproduction of representatives of the Ribes spp. genus, including the rooting of micro shoots and their adaptation in ex vitro conditions. Methods. A comparative analysis was used to review foreign and domestic literature on the cultivation of berry crops using the method of microclonal propagation. Results. It is possible to increase the reproduction coefficient of healthy pure-cultivar Ribes spp. planting material in conditions of micro clone reproduction, taking into account genotypic features. Obtaining viable explants when introduced into in vitro culture is achieved, first of all, by choosing a high-quality source material, the phase of plant development during the isolation of explants and the selection of nutrient media. In addition, the positive introduction is influenced by the effectiveness and toxicity of the sterilizing agent, the fight against phenolic oxidation of explants and the medium, the range of growth regulators during the periods of the introduction, micropropagation and rhizogenesis. The greatest production losses occur at the stage of acclimatization of micro-shoots in non-sterile conditions, which is associated with the weak work of enzymes for carbon fixation in the required volumes and the unformed water regime due to the difference in the microclimate in the test tube and open ground conditions. Various technologies of adaptation of the representatives of this genus to external conditions are presented, ranging from the selection of a substrate in greenhouses to the development of special climate chambers with optimal conditions. Despite the contradictory results, the idea of the success of the use of certain preparations for Ribes spp. is expanding, the quality of the planting material is improving, however, the methodology for obtaining pure-variety planting material taking into account the varietal characteristics, has not been fully developed, and the issues of adaptation at the ex vitro stage have not been fully resolved. Scientific novelty: The review of the reports is presented taking into account new domestic and foreign scientific developments of the stages of microclonal reproduction of berry crops, depending on the species and genotypes, as well as the issue of acclimatization in ex vitro conditions is discussed.

in vitro, the term of introduction into culture, nutrient media, regulators of plant growth, rooting, ex vitro adaptation
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