Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to study the features of the growth and development of the pancreas in broiler chickens when fed with the main diet of synbiotic feed additives and a phytobiotic. Methods. The studies were carried out as part of a scientific and economic experiment on broilers of the Ross-308 cross, formed into a control group and three experimental groups (n = 44). In the diet of chickens of the 1st experimental group, in addition to the main diet from the 5th day of life, the “GerbaStor” synbiotic was introduced in the amount of 0,5 g per 1 kg of feed; the birds of the 2nd experimental group were fed with the main ration the synbiotic “ProStor” in the amount of 0,5 g per 1 kg of feed, the chickens of the 3rd experimental group from the 5th day of life were included in the main ration of the phytobiotic “Aktivo” in the amount of 0,15 g per 1 kg of feed. During the experiment, the mass and morphological and histological state of the pancreas of chickens were evaluated. Results. The absolute and relative mass of the pancreas in broiler chickens treated with the studied drugs was within the physiological limits. Morphohistological studies demonstrated a more active secretory activity of the pancreas in chickens treated with “ProStor” synbiotic and “Aktivo” phytobiotic according to the proposed scheme. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time studies have been carried out to study the effect of three new feed additives on the development and morphological and histological state of the pancreas of broiler chickens. A conclusion was made about the favorable effect of the studied preparations on the structure and functions of the analyzed organ, which, in turn, is a biological prerequisite for its positive effect on the digestibility and use of feed nutrients, and, consequently, on the main indicators of poultry productivity.

broiler chickens, synbiotic, phytobiotic, pancreas, feed antibiotics, biologically active additives, histology
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