Abstract. The purpose of the research is based on the analysis of historical and modern experience of hedge keeping of reindeer, to determine the possibilities and tasks of creating reindeer farms in the forest zone of the Tyumen North. Methods. During the study historical, expert and comparative analysis, structural analysis, monitoring, analogy, generalization were used. Results. The hedge keeping of reindeer in the Subarctic regions has been used for about a hundred years, but today it requires a new conceptual approach to the design of farms in the forest zone. Almost 700,000 domestic reindeer are grazed in the Tyumen region are the largest population in the Arctic and Subarctic. The pastures of the tundra zone are mainly used for grazing deer – 92% of the herds are located here in the summer. Due to the excess of the project reindeer capacity, pastures in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District have been in a state of long-term overgrazing for the last 30 years and require a reduction in pastoral load. One of the ways to optimize the tundra grazing of deer is to transfer some of the animals to free forest pastures. Since 2019 In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, a production experiment is being conducted on year-round grazing of reindeer herds in a forest area using hedges. A monitoring study of two hedge farms in the forest zone of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District was conducted. The implementation of projects to create hedge farms for reindeer in the forest zone of the Tyumen North will not only relieve tundra pastures, but also solve a number of socio-economic, environmental, technological issues in the territories of traditional nature management in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District and KhMAO-Yugra. The scientific novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive approach to the tasks and goals of designing forest farms for hedging reindeer, which includes not only the technological features of the projects, but also their social significance for the indigenous small population of the North.
reindeer husbandry, Tyumen region, indigenous population, reindeer pastures, hedge keeping of deer, acclimatization of deer
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