Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The features of the implementation of the production potential of cherry varieties in the conditions of southern horticulture are presented. The studies were carried out in the conditions of the Prikubanskaya fruit growing zone of the Krasnodar Krai in 2016–2022. The objects of research were 7 varieties of common cherry of various origins. The purpose of the research was to study the productive potential of cherry varieties and its main components, depending on the negatively changing environmental conditions. Methods. The research was carried out according to the “Program and methodology for the variety study of fruit, berry and nut crops” and “Program and methodology for the selection of fruit, berry and nut crops”. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out according to the method of B. A. Dospekhov. The studies were carried out using generally accepted and standard methods. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the identified patterns and features of the implementation of the production potential of cherry varieties in unstable environmental conditions and the impact of stress factors. According to the results of the research, early-fruiting varieties of cherries, Prizvanie and Ivanovna, which begin to bear fruit 2–3 years after planting, have been identified. It was found that the average fruit weight of the varieties varied from 2.98 to 6.38 g, depending on the biological characteristics of the variety and the conditions of the year. Large-fruited varieties with a fruit weight exceeding 5 g have been identified: Prizvanie (5.38 g), Timati (5.43 g), Ivanovna (6.38 g) and Khodosa (6.33 g). It was found that the yield also varied depending on stress factors and the degree of adaptability of varieties to them. Stably fruitful and high-yielding cherry varieties Ivanovna and Khodosa were identified, the average yield of which was 15.7 kg/tree. or 10.5 t/ha. It has been established that the dependence of the yield of cherry varieties of different origin on average annual temperatures is average (r = 0.65), on the sum of active temperatures – average (r = 0.37) and on the sum of precipitation – strong (r = 0.87). To create highly productive cherry plantations in the conditions of southern gardening, varieties Ivanovna and Khodosa are recommended.

cherry (Prunus cerasus L.), variety, productivity, precocity, fruit weight, adaptability, weather conditions
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