Russian Federation
Abstract. Berries are a valuable source of nutrients and antioxidants in the diet of the population of Yakutia. The purpose is to study the influence of climatic conditions on the quality and yield of cranberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.) growing in the Arctic districts of Yakutia. Research methods. The material for the study was the berries of the common lingonberry, growing in three Arctic uluses of Yakutia. The biochemical composition of the berries was determined by infrared spectroscopy on the Spectra Star 2200 analyzer, in the laboratory of processing agricultural products and biochemical analyses of the YSRIA. The yield of cranberries was determined at 30 accounting sites by the weight of berries collected from a 1 m2 site. The hydrothermal coefficient of G. T. Selyaninov (HTC) was used to assess the moisture content of the cranberry growing zones. Results. It has been established that cranberry berries of the Arctic uluses of Yakutia are an important source of antioxidant indicators and macro- and microelements. The highest content of vitamins C (15.3 ± 0.04 mg / 100 g), B1 (0.011 mg / 100 g), B2 (0.021 mg / 100 g) and E (1.04 mg / 100 g) was observed in lingonberry berries of the Yuryung-Khaya section of Anabarskiy ulus. The highest iron content was noted in the cranberries of the Yuryung-Khaya of Anabarskiy ulus (0.4 ± 0.01 mg / 100 g), phosphorus – in the berries of the Sobolokh Momskiy ulus (16.8 mg / 100 g), potassium – in the berries of the Yuryung-Khaya of Anabarskiy ulus (92.5 mg / 100 g). The weight of berries varied within 0.08–0.30 g/pcs. The highest yield of cranberries was noted on the Sobolokh site of Momskiy ulus – 12.9 t/ha. Scientific novelty. New knowledge has been obtained on the biochemical composition, nutritional value and yield of common cranberries growing in 3 Arctic uluses of Yakutia.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea L., climatic parameters, chemical composition, vitamins, minerals, yield, Arctic uluses
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