Abstract. The purpose of researches is influence legume crops and mineral fertilizers on crop rotation productivity and soil fertility elements in the conditions of Kaluga region. Methods. The research was carried out in a long-term stationary field experiment on gray forest medium loamy soil. The laying of field experience, observations, records and generalization of research results were carried out in accordance with generally accepted methodological recommendations. Results. It was found that the studied factors had an insignificant effect on the weed propensity, which, against the background of mineral fertilizers and with an increase in the share of legumes in the structure, was slightly higher. On average, during the fourth rotation, the highest crop productivity was obtained in a crop rotation with 40% saturation with legumes, both against the background of fertilization (38.6 c/ha of grain units) and without their use (32.6 c/ha of grain units). Applying of mineral fertilizers contributed to an increase in crop rotation productivity by 18–24 %. On average, for crop rotations, 6.4 c/ha of grain units or 22 % were obtained by applying mineral fertilizers in addition to a background without fertilizers. It’s noted that use of mineral fertilizers had a positive effect on the change some indicators of soil fertility. Availability of exchangeable forms potassium increased by 27 % and mobile phosphorus by 54 % compared to options without fertilizers. And in comparison with the initial state, the content of K2O without fertilizers increased by 17 and by 54 mg/kg of soil against the background of their use, and the content of P2O5 decreased by 27 mg/kg of soil and increased by 66 mg/kg, respectively. With an increase in the share of legumes in the structure of crop rotations from 30 % to 60 %, there was a slight increase in soil fertility, especially against the background of mineral fertilizers. Scientific novelty. The issues of influence legumes and mineral fertilizers on productivity of the fourth rotation of crop rotations and elements soil fertility were considered.
crop rotation, crop, legumes, mineral fertilizers, yield, fertility
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