Abstract. The purpose of the study is to develop a model for the modernization of conceptual approaches to state regulation of the agro-food market of the region, which includes tools and mechanisms that eliminate imbalances in its development. The existing unilateral mechanism of state support for the agricultural sector in the face of agricultural producers does not ensure the maintenance of the total supply of food at the level of consumer demand, which, on the one hand, leads to a crisis of overproduction of certain types of food, on the other hand, does not allow to increase their economic accessibility. Methods. The instrumental and methodological apparatus of the study consisted of methods of comparative, structural-target, scenario analysis, expert assessments, cognitive modeling and others. The processing of analytical material, which ensures the reliability of calculations, was carried out using the IGLA decision support system. The scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of additional tools and mechanisms aimed at stimulating solvent demand, among which the development and implementation of a regional program of domestic food aid and a mechanism for stimulating solvent demand in the context of the regional State Program “Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets” are proposed. Results. It is argued that the variety of factors affecting the functioning of the agri-food market, the high level of dynamism, multi-aspect and uncertainty of the processes taking place in it, the complexity of obtaining relevant information necessary to predict its development, allow us to attribute the agri-food market to complex poorly structured systems, the study of which by traditional methods is significantly difficult. To solve the problems of regulating the agri-food market, it is proposed to use cognitive modeling methods, which allows us to justify the need and adequacy of the use of additional tools of state regulation aimed at stimulating consumer demand.
agri-food market, model, conceptual approaches, state regulation, cognitive modeling, domestic food aid programs, mechanism of effective demand regulation
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