Abstract. The purpose of the study is to assess the current regulatory framework for the regulation of organic agriculture for the analysis of existing shortcomings and the degree of its compliance with the real needs of domestic agribusiness. The main method of research was the analysis of the legislative framework at the federal and regional levels, as well as domestic and foreign experience in organizing budget support for organic agricultural producers on its basis. Results. The current regulatory legal acts regulating the production of organic food in Russia and the world are considered. The assessment of measures to support organic agriculture in the context of individual regions of the Russian Federation was carried out. The characteristics of the development features and necessary adjustments of the current regulatory framework of organic production are given. Taking into account foreign practices, proposals are formulated to reduce the costs of organic producers for certification by developing systems of guarantee participation and group certification. In order to more actively develop the organic food market in Russia and, in particular, in the North-West, measures are proposed to make adjustments to the legal regulation of organic farming and animal husbandry, the transition to mass certification of small businesses. This will strengthen the competitive position of domestic organic agricultural producers primarily in the domestic market and strengthen the overall position of the industry even in conditions of increased external restrictions for export supplies. The scientific novelty of the study is to assess the existing institutional opportunities and limitations in the production of organic products at the present stage of development of the agricultural sector.
organic agriculture, certification, standards, state support
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