Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose is to form strategic guidelines for socio-economic growth of the quality of life and ensuring the quality of nutrition of the population. Methodology and methods. In the course of the study, both general and universal methods were used (sociological survey, ranking, systematization, classification and interpretation, analysis and synthesis), including the method of comparison in the development and justification of the relationship of life quality indicators with the quality of nutrition and the tasks of ensuring food security of Russia. Results. The article considers the evolution of approaches to the level and quality of life where the role and importance of a person in sustainable socio-economic development comes to the fore. The analysis of the approaches used by the international community to assess the quality of life made it possible to correlate indicators and indicators to the category of nutrition quality, as well as to build a relationship with the criteria and objectives of food security in Russia, enshrined in the Doctrine. The authors conducted a sociological survey among the urban and rural working-age population of the Sverdlovsk region to identify factors that form the conditions of the quality of life and the quality of nutrition. The scientific novelty consists in identifying and constructing a classification of the relationship between the criteria of the quality of life and the quality of nutrition with the tasks of food security in Russia. And also in the formation of an evidence base for the dependence of structural indicators of the level and quality of life in the hierarchy of values of a household and an individual.
quality of life, quality of nutrition, food security, food, rational norms, consumption dynamics
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