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Abstract (English):
Abstract. Oats are an important source of valuable nutrients, especially protein and fat, with a balanced amino acid composition. This study presents long-term data on the study of the quality of grain of filmy oats in the Tyumen region. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the biochemical potential of various collectible varieties of filmy oats for involvement in the breeding process in the conditions of the Tyumen region. Materials and methods of the research. In 2019–2021, 167 varieties of filmy oats of various ecological and geographical origin were sown on the experimental field of the Northern Trans-Urals Research Institute, Tyumen Region (Russia), using generally accepted methods. Results. The most favorable conditions for the formation of protein in oat grain were 2019 (correlation coefficient r = –0.59) and 2020 (r = –0.34). The correlation of yield with fat content and starch content was not significant. The protein content in oat grain over the years of study was: in 2019 7.87–13.58 %, in 2020 – 8.74–13.33 %, in 2021 – 7.25–14.05 %. According to the protein content in the grain, the following varieties were distinguished: k-15321 (Leningrad region); k-15262 (USA). Fat content in oat grain in 2019 – 4.35 %, in 2020 – 4,00 %, in 2021 – 3,62 %. The most interesting varieties are k-15311 (Leningrad region); k-15353 (Norway); k-15256 (USA); k-15254 (Canada). The starch content in oat grain was in 2019 – 57.63 %, in 2020 – 58.40 %, in 2021 – 51.04 %. Varieties were distinguished: k-15330, k-15331, k-15329 (Ulyanovsk region); k-14863 (Estonia); k-15378 (Germany); k-15307 (USA); k-14953 (Australia). The most interesting are oat varieties that combine a complex of biochemical characteristics: k-15278 (Moscow region); k-15311 (Leningrad region); k-15330, k-15329 (Ulyanovsk region); k-15378 (Germany); k-15307 (USA); k-14953 (Australia). Scientific novelty. A long-term evaluation of 167 varieties of spring oats according to biochemical quality indicators was carried out, the sources that are of the greatest interest for breeding were identified.

oats, protein, fat, starch, correlation, selection
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