Abstract. The article presents the results of studying the main elements of seed productivity (number and weight of seeds per plant, weight of 1000 seeds) in 15 breeding lines of F6-7 generations of lentils obtained from interspecific crossings of varieties Aida (Russia), Vekhovskaya (Russia), Vostochnaya (Russia) and Shyrayly (Kazakhstan). The purpose of the study is to study the phenotypic variability of lentil breeding lines according to the elements of the crop structure and select valuable genotypes as sources of productivity to create varieties adapted to the conditions of the region. Methods. Phenotyping of the breeding material was carried out in the field and laboratory conditions in 2020–2022 at the training and experimental field of the Omsk State Agrarian University. During the study period, very dry climatic conditions developed in 2020 (HTC = 0.62) and 2021 (HTC = 0.68), slightly dry – in 2022 (HTC=1.02). The soil of the experimental plot is meadow-chernozem, medium-thick (45 cm), low-humus (3.95 % of humus), medium loamy (35 % of physical clay) with a soil solution reaction close to neutral (pH = 6.5). The predecessor is spring soft wheat. Results. As a result, it was found that out of 15 lines, only 11 show stable seed productivity in all weather conditions and belong to the intensive type of cultivation, and 4 are characterized as unstable and semi-intensive type. The variability of the number of seeds per plant is significantly affected by the genotypic features of the breeding line (42.8 %). The phenotypic variability of the weight of seeds per plant is due to the conditions of growth of the agricultural crop (40.3 %), and the weight of 1000 seeds is due to the interaction of two factors simultaneously (57.0 %). By the method of principal component analysis, the studied breeding lines are divided into three main clusters according to the type of stability and intensity. Scientific novelty. Based on the research, valuable genotypes were selected that will be used as sources of seed productivity in further breeding and the creation of new adapted, high-yielding varieties of lentils in the region.
Lens culinaris, lentil, line, productivity elements, ecological plasticity
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