Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The article highlights the results of scientific and economic experience on highly productive dairy cows of black-and-white breed in the second half of lactation. The purpose - evaluation of the possibility of using a new lyophilized feed additive “Bonaka-APK” in the diets of dairy cows to increase their productivity and milk quality indicators. Studied the productive effect of the feed additive “Bonaka-APK” on dairy cows. Scientific and economic experience was conducted in the farm of the OSP “Novator 1” (Gulkevichi district, Krasnodar Territory) in 2021–2022. Research objectives to study the effect of feeding the feed additive "Bonaka-APK" on milk productivity and quality indicators of cow milk. Methods. The studies were carried out on two groups of dairy cows, formed by the method of pairs of analogues. Feeding ration of dairy cows of black-and-white breed with a live weight of 550.0 ± 40.0 kg and a milk yield of 16.0 ± 3.0 kg per day contained: 170 MJ OE, 1582.0 g of digestible protein and 4100.0 g of crude fiber, including 1844.0 g of starch. The sugar-protein ratio in the diet is – 0.83. There were 93.1 g of digestible protein per 1 energy feed unit. The experimental group, in addition to the main diet as part of the compound feed, received a probiotic complex “Bonaka-APK” in the amount of 0.02 kg per 1 head, once a day before milking. Results. The use of the biotechnological complex “Bonaka-APK” as an additive to compound feed, for the accounting period, made it possible to significantly increase the milk yield of 1 cow in the experimental group by 24.6 %, and in terms of 4.0% fat content – by 26.0 % compared with control. The content of fat in the milk of the experimental groups did not differ significantly, and the content of the mass fraction of protein in the milk of the experimental group was significantly higher by 0.4% compared to the control. Scientific novelty. For the first time, a new, developed complex “Bonaka-APK” was tested on dairy cows.

black-and-white, dairy cows, feed additive, biotechnological complex, milk
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