Abstract. The purpose is to study the efficiency of beef production from specialized meat breeds of cattle of French origin in comparison with the Hereford breed. Methods. Zootechnical, statistical and economic methods were used. Results. As a result of the conducted scientific and economic experience, the indicators of weight growth and meat productivity of cattle of the Charolais, Salers, Aubrac, Limousin breeds were studied in comparison with the Hereford cattle breed. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that for the first time in the conditions of Western Siberia, a comparative study of the indicators of weight growth from birth to 18 months of age and meat productivity of French beef cattle breeds with the Hereford breed was carried out. The conducted research has established the advantage in live weight and growth intensity of French beef cattle breeds. The largest live weight at 18 months was in Charolais bulls – 569.4 kg, which is more than in group I bulls by 53 kg (10.2 %) (p ≤ 0.001). In second place in terms of live weight were the bulls of the Obrak breed – 552.4 kg, which is significantly more than the peers of group I by 35.7 kg (10.3 %) (p ≤ 0.001. With intensive cultivation, the highest growth energy was demonstrated by bulls of French meat breeds 903.8–966.1. When slaughtered at the age of 15 and 18 months, heavy animal carcasses were obtained. Carcasses of French bull calves at slaughter at 15 months had a larger mass by 10.6–23.5 kg. By 18 months, the mass of paired carcasses increased to 286.6–318.5 kg. Economic analysis of the research results shows that in the production of beef from Charolais cattle, the profitability level is 66.5 %, Hereford breed – 60.6 %, Salers and Aubrac – 62.3, Limousin – 56.4 %.
breeds, Hereford, Charolais, Limousin, salers, aubrac, live weight, average daily gain, slaughter weight, slaughter yield
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