Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose is to study of human capital trends in the agro-industrial complex in the northern regions of the Krasnodar Territory. Methods. On the basis of a conceptual, comprehensive analysis of the six northern regions of the Kuban, the reasons for the decrease in the number of citizens are justified, employment, education, incomes of the population are considered, features of resettlement are identified. For objective analysis, statistics for five years for municipalities were used. Results. Using scientifically based approaches, as well as its own conclusions, based on macroeconomic trends, the issue of the influence of the human factor in the development of the agro-industrial complex was investigated. The reasons for the decline in the population of the northern regions were revealed; directions of migration flows are defined; noted global trends in population aging and, as a result, an increase in the burden on the able-bodied population. The criteria for unemployment in municipalities are justified. The reasons for the decline in the population employed in the agro-industrial complex, which are due to the introduction of new technologies and the replacement of mechanical labor by automated one, are affected. The main crop, livestock enterprises, as well as enterprises for the processing of agricultural products in the northern regions of the Kuban were considered. Negative dynamics of incomes of the population employed in the agro-industrial complex was revealed, which significantly affects the unrealization of projects to attract the able-bodied young population to rural settlements. The prospects for attracting citizens to live in rural municipalities have been determined. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the northern regions of the Krasnodar Territory, their grouping on the basis of the general tendency of human capital development in each municipality. The need to consider these areas in a single context and apply to them common promising development methods that contribute to the use of human capital is justified.
human capital, employment of the population, incomes of the population, agro-industrial complex
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