Russian Federation
The purpose of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of the use of the obtained fertilizers on the sowing characteristics of agricultural seeds. The article presents the results of a study on the effectiveness of the use of organic fertilizers on crops of cumin, carrots and corn. To obtain organic fertilizers based on vermicompost (V) and chicken droppings (CD) in different, cavitation treatment technology was used. To identify competitiveness, the effectiveness of the influence of the obtained organic fertilizers based on vermicompost and chicken manure was compared with certified fertilizers “Sila Rosta” and “Riverm”. Results and practical significance. According to the results of the experiment, the following patterns were revealed: for carrot seeds, based on germination energy and germination, the best indicators were achieved when treated with a fertilizer based on vermicompost; for cumin seeds, based on germination energy, the best indicators were achieved when treated with a fertilizer based on chicken droppings, and organic fertilizers of the “Sila Rosta” and vermicompost brands gave priority to germination results. The results were also obtained on the basis of an increase in the biomass of aboveground organs and an increase in root length, patterns were revealed for the proposed concentrations of chicken droppings. Scientific novelty. The resulting organic fertilizer based on chicken droppings increases the germination energy and germination for carrots and cumin, and also provides the greatest increase in the biomass of sprouts for cumin and corn, and roots for carrots and corn. Fertilizer from vermicompost is characterized by the highest efficiency in assessing the sowing qualities of carrots.
vermicompost, germination energy, germination, Daucus carota L., Carum carvi L., Zea mays L., growth of the sprout length, the increase in the length of the root
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