Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The problems of industrial production of pear fruits in the central part of Russia are primarily associated with the absence of an intensive type of rootstock with optimal economic and biological characteristics and high environmental plasticity. The purpose of the study is to assess the compatibility of graft–rootstock combinations of various pear cultivars of industrial importance with dwarf rootstocks based on common quince of VNIISPK breeding. The results of the studies will make it possible to lay intensive pear orchards in the conditions of Central Russia. Methods. The studies were carried out with 50 pear cultivars in 2008–2010 and 2018–2023. The experiment was laid in the scientific and production nursery on the basis of VNIISPK in 3-fold repetition by the method of grafting on two-year-old quince seedlings. There were 11 accounting plants in each repetition. The compatibility of graft-rootstock combinations was assessed visually during the growing season. Scientific novelty. In the Central region of Russia, the assessment of compatibility of dwarf seed stocks based on common quince of VNIISPK breeding with pear cultivars promising for industrial production is carried out for the first time. Results. Based on the obtained research data, the graft-rootstock combinations were divided into three compatibility groups: A – cultivars compatible with quince stock that showed high quality of accretion, intensive development of grafts and the best quality of pear seedlings in nursery conditions; B – satisfactorily compatible, which, being quite viable graft-rootstock combinations, showed isolated signs of negative affinity and were not effective enough for intensive production; C – incompatible pear cultivars. The main qualitative characteristics of pear seedlings are presented.

seed scion, common quince, pear cultivars, graft-rootstock combinations, compatibility
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