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Abstract (English):
Abstract. A long period of consumer maturity and the keeping quality of pear fruits are qualities that, when crossed with wild, highly hardy species, are poorly manifested in hybrid offspring. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the quality of fruits and yields on pear varieties with different levels of winter hardiness in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Chelyabinsk region. Methods. The study was conducted at the Chelyabinsk State Variety testing site for fruit and berry crops. The 2009 bookmark experience included 68 varieties and promising numbers, some of which were excluded from the discussion due to very low yields. Scientific novelty. With good regenerative ability, less hardy varieties with high fruit qualities are not inferior in yield to hardy varieties. Results. In the group of hardy varieties (with the highest freezing score of 2), fruits are often characterized by low fruit qualities, medium-sized, high content of stony cells and other disadvantages. In the group of insufficiently hardy varieties, there are significantly more varieties with high fruit qualities. In the group of hardy varieties, the average annual yield ranges from 29.3 c/ha (Lel’) to 171.6 c/ha (Kuyumskaya). In the group of slightly hardy varieties – from 23.6 c/ha (Zabava) to 100.1 c/ha (Zolotoy shar). With a difference in the average yield values for varieties (84.3 c/ha for hardy and 46.3 c/ha for weakly hardy), statistical processing did not reveal significant differences between the groups in the degree of winter hardiness. In the conditions of the Southern Urals, some varieties bred in northern latitudes are prone to maceration of the pulp at the time of maturation.

maceration, consumer maturity, regenerative ability, fertility
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