Abstract. A study was carried out of the yield and large-fruited original material of black currant in a breeding nursery in the conditions of Central Yakutia. The purpose is to identify sources of high yield and large-fruited black currant hybrids for use in breeding. The objectives of the study included high-yielding hybrids of black currant to carry out crop accounting and identify; determine the mass of berries in hybrids and select sources of large fruit. Methods. The research was carried out according to the generally accepted methodology “Program and methodology for the selection of fruit, berry and nut crops” (Oryol, 1995). Scientific novelty. For the first time, new sources of black currant productivity have been identified for breeding in Yakutia. Results. In the breeding nursery, 10 sources of high yield (more than 10 t/ha) and 4 sources of large-fruited black currant hybrids from various genetic groups were selected. Among them, the hybrid 3-7-18 (Podarok Kuzioru × Khara Kytalyk), a derivative of three subspecies of black currant and low-flowering currant with a yield of 18.9 t/ha, is distinguished by the characteristics of early fruiting, high and stable yield. Of 4 black currant hybrids - 3-19-18 (Podarok Kuzioru × Myuryuchana), 3-2-18 (Podarok Kuzioru × Khara Kytalyk), 2-18-18 (Podarok Kuzioru × Yakutskaya) and 1-17-18 (Ksyusha × Yakutskaya) was characteristic large fruiting. The weight of 1 berry ranged from 1.53 to 1.70 g. A negative relationship was revealed between the indicators of yield and large-fruited black currant (r = –0.47), as a result of mathematical processing of experimental data The identified sources of high yield and large fruit will be used in the selection of black currants in Central Yakutia to create new source material and further study them according to a set of traits.
black currant, selection, source material, hybrids, hybrid family, productivity, large fruit, Central Yakutia
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